
admin Archives

May 26, 2006

statement of purpose

I can't quite articulate why I started this weblog, other than the perennial "it seemed like a good idea at the time". For the time being, it is meant to be an online journal of my impersonal thoughts. It's no LiveJournal, no "what I did today", but more "what I've been thinking about today if I could find the energy to write it all down."

Expository writing is something that I'm fairly good at. Writing is something that I don't do nearly enough of. Maybe this is just a way of attempting to keep me in the habit, via the means that come most easily.

November 15, 2006

resuming service shortly

I have finally gotten round to setting up MT on the new incarnation of There goes my best excuse for not putting anything new up here in months.

May 12, 2007

fighting comment spam

You would think, given the frankly microscopic readership numbers I have here, that comment and trackback spam wouldn't be that much of a problem. If you thought that, you might also think that there's no way you can get sand in your shoes by walking on the beach for half a minute. Either way, you'd be wrong.

I've been under concerted trackback spam attack for the past couple of days, so I've set the "one day only" flag for trackbacks. Since I've never had a legitimate one, I don't think this will be much of an issue.

Although I haven't been under such a concerted attack in comments, I have also had to deal with comment spam for a while now, so I have downloaded, installed, and tested this plugin. The upshot is that you may now only post a URL in a comment here if you are signed in via TypeKey.

If this works to block the spam, I might even think about unmoderating comments. Wild.

About admin

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to collected eccentricities in the admin category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

books is the next category.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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